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Appendix 6     Standard Sort Abbreviations
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WordStock is equipped with a highly versatile Report program which affords you the opportunity to generate custom reports on virtually any number of screen fields You can also organize the information in your reports in an infinite variety of arrangements

To get you started, WordStock 4 provides a number of Sort Include Specifications (constructs that tell WordStock which records to extract from your data files for your report) and Sort Order Specifications (constructs that define the order in which WordStock will present the information in your report)

A listing of the WordStock 4 standard Sort Include Specifications and Sort Order Specifications is provided below

Please Note

WordStock's standard Sort Include Specifications and Sort Order Specifications change periodically You may find that some of the specifications listed below are not included on your system, or that your system is equipped with additional specifications. Please contact WordStock Support during regular business hours if you'd like to discuss your standard Sort Specifications.

Sort Include Specifications


ALL all records
OnHand_OnOrder all records with '0' in both the "On Hand" and "On Order" fields
RESTOCK all records with a restock value
WEEK_FORECAST all records for which the recommended reorder quantity is at least '1' for the next 4 weeks
BAD_RECORDS all records with an absurd quantity in any field
ALMOST_OOS all records with '1' in the "On Hand" field, and '0' in the "On Order" field and of which you have sold at least 1 in the last 8 weeks
ISBN_CHANGES all records for which the ISBN or SKU was changed when last received
LOST_BOOKS all records with '1' in the "On Hand" field of which none have been sold in the past 12 weeks
NEGATIVE_ONHAND all records with a negative number in the "On Hand" field
OUT_OF_PRINT all records with a Receiving status of 'out of print'
OUT_OF_STOCK all records with a Receiving status of 'out of stock'
SECTION_999 all records created at the POS
SHRINKAGE_CYR all records with a negative number in the "Q O/S" field
SHRINKAGE_LYR all records with a negative number in last year's "Q O/S" field
X_ISBNS all records with X-ISBNs

Vendor File
ALL all records
ALL_ACTIVE_CYR all Vendor records with quantities in any of the following fields: "On Hand", "On Order", "CYR Sales", "CYR Purchases", or "CYR Returns"
CYRET_OVER_25PCT all vendors to which more than 25% of CYR purchases have been returned

Product File
ALL all records

Section File
ALL all records

Customer File
ALL all records

Special Orders
ALL all records
BLANK_ISBN-SKU all records that do not have an ISBN or SKU
NEW all records with status 'NEW'
CANCELED all records with status 'CANCELED'
FINISHED all records with status 'FINISHED'
ON_ORDER all records with status 'ON ORDER'
RECEIVED all records with status 'RECEIVED'
INCOMPLETE all records with status 'INCOMPLETE'
SOURCED all records with status 'SOURCED'
NEW_AND_OK all records with status 'NEW', and flag 'OK'
NEW_REVIEW all records with status 'NEW', and flag 'REVIEW'
NEW_PROBLEM all records with status 'NEW', and flag 'PROBLEM'
NEW_STOP all records with status 'new' and type 'STOP'

PO Header
ALL all records
EMPTY_PO all records with no detail lines
NEW all records with status 'NEW'
ON_ORDER all records with status 'ON ORDER'
SENT all records with status 'SENT'
CANCELED all records with status 'CANCELED'
FINISHED all records with status 'FINISHED'
INCOMPLETE all records with an associated Receiving Batch and which contain items that have not yet been received
ANNOTATING all records with an associated Exception Batch (in progress)
ANNOTATED all records with an associated Exception Batch which has been reconciled but not yet put on hand

PO Header
ENTERING all records with an associated Scan Batch (in progress)
ENTERED all records with an associated Scan Batch which has been reconciled but not yet put on hand

PO Detail

ALL all detail lines (including information not visible on the screen)
NEW_0_QUANTITY all records with status 'NEW' which contain items with '0' in the "Qty" field

Receiving Batch Header
ALL all records
ON_HAND all records with Receiving Batch status 'ON HAND', and the option to reconcile automatically has been turned off
RECONCILED all records with Receiving Batch status 'RECONCILED'
FINISHED all records with Receiving Batch status 'FINISHED'
DELETED all records with Receiving Batch status 'DELETED'

RB Detail
ALL all detail lines
ISBN_CHANGES all records for which the ISBN or SKU was changed when received

Return Header
ALL all records

Return Detail
ALL all detail lines

Sort Order Specifications

Please Note: Alphabetical and Numerical sorts are ALWAYS in ASCENDING order Alphabetically: from A to Z Numerically: from lowest to highest.

ISBN-SKU numerically by ISBN or SKU
vend_num numerically by Vendor
title alphabetically by title

Product File
prod_name alphabetically by Product name
prod_num numerically by Product code

Section File
sec_name alphabetically by Section name
sec_num numerically by Section number

Customer File
cust_name alphabetically by Customer name
cust_num numerically by Customer number

Vendor File
vend_name alphabetically by Vendor name
vend_num numerically by Vendor number

Special Orders
order_num numerically by Special Order number
vend_num numerically by Vendor number
speclog numerically by check number, then by check date

PO Header
po_num numerically by PO number
vendnum_ponum numerically by Vendor number, and then numerically by PO number

PO Detail lines
isbn numerically by ISBN or SKU
title_author alphabetically by title, and then alphabetically by author
author_title alphabetically by author, and then alphabetically by title

Receiving Batch Header
vendnum_rbnum numerically by Vendor number, and then numerically by Receiving Batch number
rcvnum numerically by Receiving Batch number

Receiving Batch Detail lines
isbn numerically by ISBN or SKU
auth_title alphabetically by author, and then alphabetically by title
vendnum_isbn numerically by Vendor number, and then numerically by ISBN or SKU
price_title numerically by price, and then alphabetically by title
prod_title numerically by Product code, and then alphabetically by title
title_isbn alphabetically by title, and then numerically by ISBN or SKU

Returns Header
retnum numerically by Return number
vendnum_rtnum numerically by Vendor number, and then alphabetically by Return number

Returns Detail Lines
isbn numerically by ISBN or SKU
title_isbn alphabetically by title, and then numerically by ISBN or SKU
author_title alphabetically by author, and then alphabetically by title
prod_title numerically by Product code, and then alphabetically by title
price_title numerically by price, and then alphabetically by title
sec_title_isbn numerically by section, and then alphabetically by title, and then numerically by ISBN or SKU
sec_author_title numerically by section, and then alphabetically by author, and then alphabetically by title
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HOME / Introduction 8. Ordering APPENDICES
1. Computer Basics 9. Receiving 1. System Hardware
2. Menus & Screens 10. Returns 2. F key Functions
3. Organizing Your Store 11. Customer File 3. SKUs & Barcodes
4. The Inventory File 12. Special Orders 4. Product/Section Codes
5. Keyword Search 13. Data Import 5. Abbreviation Methods
6. Point-of-Sale 14. Maintenance 6. Sort Specifications
7. Reports Glossary 7. S.T.O.P. Orders